Tuesday, 19 October 2010

La Pelota Magica hits the road


since last posting, Islands successfully played four shows in Cyprus, to great and full audiences. I returned to Hexham, immediately to begin rehearsals of La Pelota Magica with Shona Wright as LX Stage Manager and a cast of Paddy Burton, Angel Aguacil and Xela Marx. Rehearsals were hectic, as Xela hadn't done the show before and the rest of us have pretty bad memories!! Luckily John and Sarah always use a DVD for reference when reworking past shows, so we were able to see what happened last time!! I really enjoyed getting back behind the set where it all began for me with TSF...two years ago I was fresh faced and recently graduated from Goldsmiths University of London with a 2:1 in Music. Shona and I have picked up where we left off (we are a cracking team) and I'm so pleased to be able to speak with Angel and Xela much better than I could two years ago...Those intensive 10 days with Dimas in Cyprus really got my Spanish up to speed again.

I hear from John that Islands went well in Tenerife...I am quite disappointed that I couldnt be part of it, but I'm sure I'll get opportunities to work on it again in the future. It is a good show that is getting better.

Right now we are in the middle of our 4 weeks on the road, currently in Banbury. A week ago Shona developed a nasty cough and slowly but surely we have all been taken down with her. She is still suffering, and I have been constantly attached to a roll of toilet paper since yesterday afternoon!! Paddy, Xela and Angel have all been unwell too, but to a lesser degree (a good job too as they're the performers) Thankfully our schedule hasn't been too hectic while we've been ill...our two weeks in the north east were much more full on. We have an epic drive on Friday, from Thetford, Suffolk to Stirling, for which we're very much hoping to have recovered from the bug...

hasta luego


Thursday, 2 September 2010

PIra, Pira, Pira


I've been very busy since last posting...

Throughout July I organised the shipping of the Islands set to Cyprus, through the very friendly but uncommunicative Andreas Shipping Co. I spent a day making some very sturdy boxes to transport some of the props, of which I am immensely proud!! I was in constant contact with Nicoleta Kalatha, the most hardworking person I think I've ever met, who organised our tour of Cyprus (as well as creating all the brilliant videos in the show). I sent her the lighting plans, tech details and much more, also sending these documents to Carlos Belda for the Tenerife leg of the tour.

In mid July we took Contes Dores for a spin for two days, performing two shows in Norwich at a primary language teachers conference, before driving to Alnwick to perform at a primary languages festival for children from schools in Northumberland. Both gigs went down very well, and we had the pleasure of welcoming back Geraldine, who devised and performed in the original version many moons ago.

I also got on with preparing our next show for touring, La Pelota Magica, which involved a lot of disinfecting and washing, as mice have taken a shine to the store...everything is very clean now, and mouse deterrents are installed in the store - I had to evict a family from a box of shoes, which was pretty upsetting, but I had no choice if I wanted to avoid completely re-propping the whole show!

In early August I somewhat nervously said goodbye to the Islands set, as it was picked up by Andrews Shipping Co and sent to Cyprus...two weeks of anxious waiting ensued, before I received confirmation that it had arrived at the theatre in Cyprus from Nicoleta.

I took two weeks of well earned holiday, enjoying lie ins and the banal but thoroughly satisfying task of repairing my car and getting it through its MOT.

And on the 29th of August I left Newcastle for Paphos, Cyprus with Becky Jameson to begin our Cyprus tour of Islands. I am writing from my hotel room, at1am, having just finished our final run through before the dress rehearsal tomorrow morning. We open tomorrow evening, with the director Franzi having made a number of changes to the show. New scenes have been added, existing scenes moved, and new features also, which is challenging but also satisfying as I can see a more logical and easy to understand piece developing.

I've been passing my knowledge of the show on to Dimas Cedres, the lighting technician, who will be managing the show without me in Tenerife. Thus he must know everything I know about the show before we part ways...Again, I'm delighted to be able to speak spanish, as his english is not as fluent as my spanish, and I've learnt lots of new words, such as pulea, which means pulley...etc etc!!

It's going very well, considering the heat (which is almost unbearable in the tech box), the fairly confusing changes Franzi has made to the order, and the short time span in which we've been working to...two days tech, two days rehearsals. I'm delighted to be working with Franzi and Nicoleta again, as they are such nice people and have so much experience and knowledge from which I can learn...

So tomorrow we open, and Saturday morning I (hopefully) get a lie in and some time to see Nicosia, as I have nowhere but the theatre and the hotel yet!!! Aaaah well, such is the life of a stage manager...I wouldn't change it for the world though...I really do love theatre!!!

Ok, I'm going to sleep now as the big day is tomorrow.

Until next time


Thursday, 1 July 2010

not enough hours in our day

As thew lead singer of Gomez once said, "there aren't enough hours in our day". Just about how I feel...

All is good in the technical world of TSF. Islands came and went, with lots of stress, enjoyment, elation and sadness all bundled into 9 shows! The cast, crew and office staff really worked hard, together to make a really good show. The audiences laughed, probably wept, and gasped at the realities exposed in the show and everyone had a really good time!

Since then I've taken time off to work for my parents' company, thanks for that TSF! Following a two week break, I was back in the store, preparing the Contes Dores set for its summer tour. A lot of the props had fallen victim to a group of ravenous and crafty mice, which meant a lot of disinfecting, hand washing, sewing, respraying etc etc etc...the usual then...after a very busy weekend it was all ready for the start of rehearsals, and John took over Paddy's roles as Madame Griselde and the king.

The tour went very well, although it was uncomfortably hot in many of the school halls we visited. As well as clashing with a heat wave, the World Cup was taking place...for any of you who haven't met me, I love the World Cup, so I religiously watched as many games as I could, in hotel rooms, hotel bars, hotel lobbys etc etc etc!!!

That tour finished last week, and this week I've been taking some holiday as well as beginning to sort the store, which has been needing a good tidy for a while...I might even run into those mice again!!!

til next time...


Two weeks

Tuesday, 11 May 2010

Shockingly belated ISLANDS gossip!!

RIGHT, since I last posted, our most recent production Islands has opened, toured and finished! If I wasn't so completely and utterly involved in it I may have posted a few more words during April, but my head was very full of stage directions, music cues, possible props, definite props, positions of chairs and much more!!

So I'm gonna do a series of posts about the production...this one is about the rehearsals.

It was in at the deep end for me...I finished touring Contes Dores, had a weekend off, then went straight into rehearsals with the rest of the Islands crew. They had been rehearsing for a week already, and I was pretty confused by it all in the first week. There were so many new names, new languages and new faces, not to mention the big script and never ending list of props that was passed my way!

Myself and Craig, the production manager, dealt with the props list admirably however, and by the tech week we had found everything on the list, or made it. I was working the late shift, from 2 til 10, which was tiring, but allowed me to stay up late with my nocturnal student brother who was visiting for easter! We ran a dress rehearsal/run through on each Thursday night to round off the week, and I could see the show coming together week after week. This was an ambitious project and I remember feeling slightly worried during the first week that it would appear very self-centered from the outside. But with each weeks run through, the stories of each character became more concise and clear and my questions and misgivings were answered.

The composer, Juani Belda, came from Madrid in the third week to play us some of his compositions. It breathed new life into my perception of the show and I then realised that the same effect would take place when I saw it with the video projection as well. Craig and I tried to get a projector up and running for the final run through in rehearsals, but the blackout in the church hall was insufficient, or perhaps it was the tiny projector trying to blast out some big images...whichever, we wouldnt see it all together until the first dress rehearsal.

So, that was a potted history of Islands rehearsals...tune in for the next installment: Tech week


Monday, 5 April 2010

New show!!

Hi all.

I am currently rehearsing TSF's new collaborative show Islands, which opens at the Queen's Hall, Hexham on the 22nd April. Rehearsals are going well; my hours are 1.30 - 10 most days. Its the first time i've done late(ish) shifts and I like them a lot. It wasn't so long ago I was a student doing fairly similar hours!! Although it's amazing how quickly I'd settled into a 9 - 5 routine!

I've been helping the production manager, the great Craig Davidson, gather props and costumes, order set parts, and generally bring the technical side of the show together. It has been fun...I've made contacts in the south Scottish milk industry, discovered the wonders of Oxfam's online shop and observed the rigorous and thorough work the cast and director do. During the show I will be manning the sound desk and the projection of video.

Today I went to pick up Juan Belda, the composer, from Newcastle airport. He has just arrived from Madrid and we had a very nice talk on the way back to Hexham. I can see I'm going to get lots of opportunities to speak more spanish in the coming weeks!! YAY!!!

hasta luego


Monday, 22 March 2010

Finally...some internet and time!

Hi all,

We are in our last week of Contes Dores in the beautiful town of Harrogate. The show is going very well; our pack up time has quickened to 30 mins where needed and the kids are as enthusiastic as ever!

Since I last posted we enjoyed a week in Wokingham and Reading, performing to a variety of year groups in some lovely schools. We performed at a secondary school, which is always a bit nervy due to the quite childish nature of the show, but we were very well recieved there and it was much better than when we visited the same school last year. This was followed by a friday gig in the uber-picturesque village of Ewelme, south Oxfordshire. The school was amazing...it was like a castle; all nooks, crannies and mysterious corridors! Unfortunately their hall was really small, so we performed in the village hall just down the road. The kids and teachers really enjoyed the show and I think the whole school came to see it, which was nice, as you can always count on 6 year olds to get the crowd going!!

The following week we went to stay in Cambridge with Emilys mum Shona, and had a lovely time catching up with her. Shona came to Tunisia to spend christmas with Emily and we all had a great time with her out there. She cooked us some fab food, which always makes me happy! After staying with Shona we did a strange day in a town near Bedford, performing a great show in the morning to a really nice primary school, before moving next door for an afternoon show in a middle school. It was supposed to be for a teachers conference, but only 10 showed up, so some year 6s got brought in and were a bit confused by it all as they hadn't done any prep work on the story or vocab in the show...plus we were in a corner a cavernous sports hall! The teachers did enjoy it a lot though...we could hear them laughing throughout and the kids even managed to learn the choruses to the songs by the end of the show, so it was a success! We then went to do a show in Stretford, Manchester, which was very good. Lots of visiting primary schools came and really enjoyed themselves. This was followed by a show in Northwich at a high school with more visiting primaries.

Then I got to go home...yay!! We were away for 4 weeks and I had missed the north quite a lot...I was really chuffed to be back in the cold, dank grimness of Sunniside once again!

We have just finished a very rowdy show in our first school in Harrogate. They saw the show two years ago, before I was in it, and enjoyed it again!

After this week I begin rehearsals for Islands, which opens in Hexham on the 22nd April. I'm looking forward to being back in a theatre...not that I dont enjoy primary schools; there is always a great camaraderie to be found in the staff room, but I find there is much less mashed potato on the stage than in the school hall!!

hasta luego


Tuesday, 16 March 2010

Quick networky post...

Hello to any readers of The Courier who are visiting this page after the article in the paper on Monday. Although there wasn't enough space in the article, we'd love for you all to become fans of us on Facebook - http://www.facebook.com/pages/Hexham-United-Kingdom/Theatre-Sans-Frontieres/132121159401 and/or follow us on Twitter - http://twitter.com/theatresansf

We are touring at the end of next month, and these will be good ways to stay in touch with us and see what we're up to! Of course, you can find all our tour dates, locations, information about previous shows and so on at http://www.tsf.org.uk



Thursday, 4 March 2010

Busy, busy, busy + no internet = not very much blogging!


We have been touring hard in the south east, living in a cottage with no internet access. the show is going well. We have a morning off today, getting a little bit of internet time in, but it's not enough...we have to leave for Sonning Common high school in half an hour. So it's short and sweet today. I will try and write something with more substance this weekend when I go to visit my brother for his birthday in Totnes. I don't think he has the internet either though...I'll find a way though, he sleeps until mid afternoon, so there should be time in the morning!!

Ok Do k

Must rush



Tuesday, 16 February 2010

Half Term

Hi all.

Last week was exciting, full of ups and downs...

We performed in Newcastle, Blyth, Bishop Auckland, Wakefield, Warrington and Glasgow. The best Premier Inn was in Glasgow, for all who are interested! We were photographed a lot last week, lots of the schools wanted photos for their websites, newsletters and govenors. We posed after the show with some children from the schools. The performances we did were lively, the show is getting much closer to the 1hr 5min target, Warrington was 1hr 6!! We just need to keep Paddy on track!

On Wednesday night, while driving from Wakefield to Warrington, I put £60 worth of petrol into the van. When I took the company fuel card up to the kiosk to pay, they told me I'd put the wrong fuel in!! aaaaaaagh!! So I had to pay for the fuel, then we waited to get the fuel pumped out. We got to Warrington at half 10 and I felt really sheepish! Hopefully I will never do it again...I've heard loads of 'wrong fuel' stories from loads of people since, which has been nice!

Its half term now, Emily and Mariae have gone to Tunisia and Portugal respectively. Paddy is planning a new music show with a friend of his and I am taking a couple of days off before the final five weeks of the tour begins. I will also be doing some fixing jobs; sewing, spraying and stapling mainly!

The second part of the tour sees us bound for the south of England for four weeks. We will be in Kent, Essex, Beds, Oxford, Hampshire and more before finishing the tour with a week in Harrogate. We will be staying in rented accomodation, which I'm really looking forward to...I enjoy cooking my own food too much to be in hotels and restaurants all week!

Bye for now


Sunday, 7 February 2010

I've been to Northumberland

Hey all,

This week has been eventful. We started with a jump start of the van in Piercebridge and a squashed show in Staindrop, which was very lively! Then two shows on tuesday with a very rowdy but involved bunch of year 8s from Blyth! Then to the north of Northumberland, staying a night in Beadnell Towers on tuesday night, doing shows in Seahouses and Wooler on wednesday. We were in Alnwick on Thursday in the ornate Dukes Middle School hall, and a middle school in Bedlington on Friday. I went to look at a possible venue for the La Pelota tour in the autumn on thursday, it was good and I think we could use it.

Tonight I am off to Newcastle to do shows in the city and Blyth tomorrow. Then we are in Bishop Auckland on tuesday, my homeland! Wed, Thurs and Fri we are in Premier Inns in west Yorkshire and Glasgow, before its half term and Emily and Mairae go on holidays! While they're enjoying sun and warmth, I'm going to fix a chair leg, sew the set, and explore amplifier options!

Aaaah the life!


Sunday, 31 January 2010

School dinners and map reading


We have finished the second week of Contes Dores tour. We have all driven lots, Paddy and I especially, as we travelled all the way up to Amble and back from our native south-west Durham. I have sewn, glued and sprayed lots! The show got much smoother last week, with our changes between scenes becoming less frantic. Emily, Mariae and Paddy are also remembering the order of the strike, which is very nice to see! We enjoyed school dinners at Murton community primary school and Hummersknott secondary! School dinners are a bit of a taboo for me!

This weekend I went to find a plastic apple and gold spray paint so I could respray the apples. One of the existing golden apples lost a stem, so I had to replace it...a very nice man at a fake plant shop gave me a golden delicious for free! I did some sewing as well, sorting out a basket lining, and making a new thing for the set so it looked a bit prettier.

This coming week we are going to stay in some B&Bs and hotels as we are in the far north of Northumberland for a few days. The following week sees us travel to Wakefield, Warrington and Glasgow, before half-term.

Speak soon


Sunday, 24 January 2010

Busy, busy, busy

Hi everyone,

Since I last posted I have battled the snow trying to get to Aydon Castle Cottages where John and Sarah live. Paddy and I dropped the van there on the way back from Tunisia and it got snowed in pretty deep! I walked a mile one morning, from their house to my stuck car with armfulls of props I had to repair and remake. It was all fun though and I helped dig Sarah out a few times. I got all the props, education packs and costumes ready for the tour of Contes Dores to begin on Jan 18th. I also managed to do some database work for the office, as well as booking some hotels for us to stay in while on tour...aah the office life! I am enjoying it as much as the touring side of the job! It must be those lovely people who work there :)

We have now finished the first week of the tour. It has gone well, with lots of enthusiastic audiences and teachers. We are getting back into a good rhythm as a team now and I'm looking forward to the 5 weeks we will be spending on the road, once we are finished in the north east. We will be living in self-catering accomodation for a few weeks, which always creates a great bond between the crew.

Sorry for the delay in posts, but I have been very busy organising my first tax return!

I will post again before we are finished touring the north east.


Wednesday, 6 January 2010

Here are some photos of our time on the road to Tunisia...


Fethi looking gleeful as he sits in a right hand drive van! (Nabeul)

A night in the hotel bar with Jean-Louis, a Belgian lighting technician.

Me and dad in Dijon on the way through France.

Breakfast in Bruges...mmmmm!

Emily, Maria and I in Bruges main square.

Tuesday, 5 January 2010

Final episode of TSF goes to Tunisia

Thursday continued...John and I looked at the tree after dinner and decided the best solution was for him to hold it in the play tomorrow! Paddy and I played songs late into the night with some people from Morocco and Iraq, fusing their Oud with our baritone ukulele!

Fri 25th...I was awoken by mum and dad bringing me some little presents and breakfast. They told me to be at a venue for a champagne reception at 12, which I went to. There was no sign of anyone from TSF however, and I sat outside this building for 40 minutes, before deciding that they had gone somewhere else. When I left I forgot to take the key to the room and my brother was still asleep as he is ill. So I ate lunch in the hotel, waiting for anyone from our group, with no luck. Then I walked into Nabeul, to see if they were in town, which they weren't! When I got back to the hotel at half 3, they were all there and we went to see a wonderful show by Jose Navarro, a Peruvian who lives in London. Afterwards mum, dad and I went to drink some tea in a little cafe and had a wicked chat to the proprietor about life and politics and some other things! We had a christmassy table for dinner, at which I played the scrooge...bah humbug!! We played more cards in the bar afterwards, with Eleanor winning again! Paddy and I played some songs until the bar closed before going to bed. It was a strange christmas day that is for sure!

Sat 26th...Today we perform our last show, in the hotel again. I think Emily, Sarah and Mariae have been promoting it very well and there will be a lot of people from the festival there as well as a lot of kids. I am going to see if we can do it in a bigger space than the one we performed in on monday. If lots of older, bigger people turn up then the room will be stupidly cramped!

Sat 26th continued...We managed to perform in a bigger room in the hotel, although we had to persuade a hotel worker to let us as he was setting the room up for a wedding! The show went really well; lots of people from the festival turned up and really enjoyed it. Some children who had seen it on monday came to see it again...they were revealing the plot quicker than we could at times!! After the show I went to fill up the van with fuel with Fethi while Mariae went to buy us food for the boat journey. We were given some gifts in the hotel lobby by Hamedi at about midnight. TSF recieved a very nice tile with the festival logo painted on it...i'm sure that will go up in the office soon.

Mon 27th...We woke up early, had breakfast and packed the van. Said goodbyes to people who were up and drove to La Goulette, the port in Tunis. Boarding the boat was much easier than getting on and off the last one, and we sat down to some lunch and left pretty much on time. It is very empty compared to the journey the other way. Mariae and Emily hadn't been to bed all night and fell asleep soon after we finished lunch I guess. Stupidly, dad and I left the food in their room and now we are really hungry. We have knocked on their door lots and I slipped a note under their door proclaiming our dire state, but they are probably fast asleep!! Hopefully they will wake up soon...While we waited I wrote some verses of a very promising pirate song, part of my pirate album, which you will hopefully be able to buy in a store near you in the near future!! They didn't wake up by 8pm, so we went to get some food from the really expensive onboard restaurant. As we were eating Mariae came in. Oh well! We watched some films in french in our rooms before sleeping thoroughly.

Tues 28th...Got off the ship on time and drove straight out of Marseille into the french countryside. Mariae and I made sandwiches in the back of the van as Paddy drove and I took over driving after 3 hours. We arrived in Troyes at 8 and went for a massive meal in the same restaurant Paddy, Emily and I had gone to on the way down. We laughed lots, reminiscing about a pretty amazing past two weeks, and felt generally knackered by the whole experience. It was the last night of us all being together as Emily was leaving for Paris on the train the following day and we were driving to Zeebrugge. We stayed in the restaurant for a good 2 and a half hours before going back to the hotel.

Weds 29th...Emily got her train ok, I did a little bit of late christmas shopping for mum and dad and Paddy took lots of pictures of Troyes. Mariae drove most of the way to Troyes while I made us some hearty sandwiches in the back. Paddy took over for the last 60 miles and we managed to have a drink in a cafe in Zeebrugge before getting on the boat. Now we are waiting for the buffet to open before finishing off our Tunisian wine. Then its bed and Britain tomorrow morning! I am really looking forward to getting back to the cold, grim north!!! The buffet was good and we talked to one of the bar men who we had spoken to on the way down, he remembered us as we remembered him, which was nice!

Thurs 30th...Got off the boat and into the country really quickly. Sorted out Mariae at the train station in Hull and drove back up north. Paddy and I dropped the van off at John and Sarahs at about 2pm and were home by 3. WOWEEE...what an epic and thoroughly tiring adventure! It is strange how just sitting in a van all day can really take it out of you...
Anyways, thats the end of my Tunisian tales...I will be posting updates on how things are going throughout the year, in a much less diary orientated format...

Until then

Au revoir
